By 2030, The Roadmap for Neglected Tropical Diseases aims to treat 90% fewer people for these illnesses.


Neglected tropical disease is an umbrella term for a large group of diseases there is still ambiguity about the neglected tropical diseases

These diseases disproportionately impact the poor and rural populations, who lack access to safe water, sanitation, and essential medicines. They cause sickness and disability, compromise children’s mental and physical development, and result in blindness and severe disfigurement.”

Targeted diseases: Lymphatic filariasis, schistosomiasis, trachoma onchocerciasis, soil-transmitted helminthiasis

They are called “neglected Tropical Diseases” (2) two critical shared characteristics first, these diseases predominate in the tropics, and second, they have all to a greater or lesser extent been neglected by funders, researchers and policy-makers

Why neglected, do not travel easily not a threat to Western society, new tools and interventions not attractive-not a significant market

  •          Hidden from health facilities and politician –affect marginalized population with little political voice
  •      Feared and source of social solid stigma and prejudice
  •      Severe pain and lifelong disabilities are generally not major killers
  •      High mortality diseases prioritized -resource

Table No. 1 Classification of NTDS




·         Chagas disease (American Trypanosomiasis)

·         Cysticercosis

·         Dracunculiasis (guinea-worm disease)

·         Echinococcosis

·         Human African Trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness)

·         Leishmaniosis

·         Lymphatic filariasis (elephantiasis)

·         Soil-transmitted helminthiasis

·         Foodborne trematode infections

·         Onchocerciasis (river blindness)

·         Schistosomiasis (bilharzias is)


·         Trachoma

·         Buruli ulcer (Mycobacterium ulcerans infection)

·         Endemic treponematoses


·         Dengue and Rabies


According to (Elimination Progress in Africa, n.d.))  the number of people in needful treatment for at least one neglected tropical disease (NTD) in Africa is reducing while the proportion of those in need and receiving treatment is going up., this is a sign that still Neglected Tropical disease are I urge of transmitting.


In 2015, there were 630 million people in need of treatment for at least one NTD. By 2019 this number decreased to 612 million – a drop of 18 million in just five years, showing that treatments for NTDs are effective.


In 2015, 51% of the 630 million people who required treatment in Africa were receiving it. By 2019, more than 60% of the 612 million people in need were getting the drugs they required.

The goal of the global roadmap for neglected tropical diseases is to eradicate two illnesses (Guinea worm and yaws), reduce impairment caused by these diseases by 75%, and reduce the number of people who need treatment for these diseases by 90% by 2021–2030.

Africa has come a long way toward the elimination objectives. Only the Comoros has not yet achieved the elimination goal in one of its three islands, but leprosy has almost completely been eradicated as a public health issue. One of the most debilitating parasitic diseases, guinea worm, has been declared eradicated in 41 African nations. This year, the Democratic Republic of the Congo is getting ready to be certified. It has been acknowledged that Benin, Cote d'Ivoire, and Togo have successfully eradicated sleeping sickness as a public health issue. Ghana, Rwanda, Uganda, and Equatorial Guinea have begun the validation process leading to abolition (

Table No 1. Showing African Countries Elimination chart

Year of graduation

Free Country

NTD Eliminated



Guinea worm 



Blinding Trachoma






·         Kenya

·         Egypt

·         *Ghana


Guinee worm

Elephantiasis Blinding trachoma





sleeping sickness





(Elimination Progress in Africa, n.d.)


As we are dealing with a comprehensive strategy for breaking the transmission of (Sth)of soil-transmitted helminth, schostomsimias (bilharzia), trachoma, and Lf lymphatic filariasis elephantiasis.

Breaking the transmission diseases strategy for Southern highlands community Health  (Health promotion Dept), the main objective is to find a common strategy to be adopted that can help eliminate all the NTDS in the Southern Zone of Tanzania and find a long-term effect,

According, to Sued Msuya (Head of Neglected Tropical Disease program Nyasa) we have been treating different NTDs mainly roundworm, bilharzia, and elephantiasis in the past 5 years, we did an evaluation in 2017 and found that long-term benefit is not being felt, we noted that once we administer drugs minor surgeries to the alerted people, they go back the community where three are poor sanitation measures and this disease re-occur again.

Proposed Prevention Intervention SOHICOHE.

v  Preventive chemotherapy

v  Intensified case management;

v  Vector control;

v  The provision of safe water, sanitation, and hygiene; and

v  Veterinary public health (that is, applying veterinary sciences to ensure the health and well-being of humans)

     v  These strategies make control; prevention and even elimination of several NTDs feasible at a low cost

Source: ueab – school of health science, Dr otwelo’s note slides and group discussion


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